What Is Cloud Hosting? Advantages Of Cloud Hosting- Best In 2022

What Is Cloud Hosting

Along with the needs and technological developments, the world of websites is also experiencing a very rapid movement. This includes addressing the needs of personalized web hosting more specifically. Recently there is a new term. Namely, cloud hosting!

The question is, what is cloud hosting? What are its advantages and what kind of site is it suitable for?

What Is Cloud Hosting?

Before going any further, understanding cloud hosting is a basic thing that needs to be understood first. Two words represent this type of hosting; namely “cloud” which means cloud, but is used as a metaphor for the internet. The second word is “hosting” which means a service that accommodates storage on the website.

So hosting with cloud technology can be interpreted as a service on the internet that allows users to store data. The data is stored in a virtual form which is supported by many servers. This is useful for supporting website performance and preserving data stored.

Actually, this technology is a form of updating or upgrading from conventional web hosting services that use additional devices as data storage. In its use, its main function is to prevent the website from crashing, when one of the servers faces a problem.

Hosting with cloud technology has been designed with a better ability to accommodate the full traffic. That is also the reason why it is increasingly being used in data storage. Good for large and small scale companies, online shops, to official websites of government agencies.

Using cloud hosting itself is quite easy because cPanel’s display can still be adjusted to be similar to another standard shared hosting. But don’t underestimate the performance of cloud hosting. It is said that the resulting performance is similar to the use of a VPS ( Virtual Private Server).

History Of Cloud Hosting

There is a long history of how cloud hosting came to be and reached the stage it is today. In the early 1960s, computing and AI, expert John McCarthy succeeded in creating the idea of ​​cloud computing.

This was followed up by the founder of Oracle which started from then on. It turns out that cloud hosting only started to become popular around the 1990s when it was used by several large companies. Google, for example, also uses this system through its Google App and Amazon with its E2C.

How Many Cloud Hosting Companies Are Actually Users?

Online-based cloud users have a large number of users worldwide. In 2018 alone, there were even 3.6 billion users who accessed the online-based cloud. This figure jumped very rapidly from 2013 which was still in the range of only 1.4 billion. Source: https://www.statista.com/

Globally, figures from the cloud hosting market alone are estimated at $ 266 billion in outstanding investment. Even at the end of this year, 67% of software will use this cloud system as their basic infrastructure.

Currently, companies that have started using this technology have reached 85% for their information data storage needs. The presence of a cloud system with its advantages overcomes the limitations of standard hosting servers, making the number of users continue to increase.

Pros Of Cloud Hosting

After understanding the definition of cloud hosting, the next is about what the advantages are. Actually, there are many advantages of this technology. Let’s look further;

1. The Ability To Accommodate High And Massive Traffic

One of the most highlighted of this system is how the server can still run well even though it is full. Large visitor traffic often interferes with website performance. However, not with this technology.

Hosting with its cluster technology can share too much visitor load with other servers.

In other words, when one server is overloaded, another server can do a backup. The website can continue to run properly and not down amid a surge in the number of visitors.

2. Safety And Good Performance

The second thing that is the advantage of this technology is that the running performance is very good. Various kinds of excellent features offered have succeeded in making the performance feel even better.

This feature can also be used to create and manage websites with good development. Security can be improved maximally so that no more annoying hacking behavior.

3. Full Managed (Ease Of Management)

Everything in cloud hosting management is done using the control panel. The specific configuration and server management are all set up by the service provider team.

Thus, the arrangement that is there, manages to make the arrangements that will be done in it easier to do.

Several settings can be made in the panel that is owned, such as Litespeed Web Server and WP accelerator. These two settings can be used for website speed.

In addition, other applications or settings can be used in it, namely Auto Installer and WordPress Staging.

4. Easy Payment

Another advantage of web hosting is that there is no need to pay for devices that are in traditional web hosting. Usually, in traditional web hosting, the storage that is owned is not only used for personal gain but is also used by other users.

Whereas in cloud hosting, the funds spent can be adjusted to the desired service. Unused servers do not need to be paid later. You could say that the payment will be similar to the use of credit on cellular operators.

What Websites Can Be Made?

It turns out that many types of websites can use cloud hosting as their basic basis. The types are as varied as regular hosting.

Today, many companies run their business through websites, as if the website is the core of their business. Cloud hosting can be the right choice because today many e-commerce or corporate websites are using it.

When a project from the required website has relatively high traffic, cloud hosting can maintain its performance. There is ease in terms of scaling when you feel that your website needs additional power.

A news portal-type site is also one that greatly benefits from this additional power.


Unlimited resources are the core of cloud technology. So, implementing it on any website can be done well. Performance concerns can be put aside when using this hosting technology.

So, the site owner can focus on the productivity of the content and appearance of the website. Without the need to think about server load problems.

If your site has started to gain large amounts of traffic, that means, you can start planning to use this ‘cloud’ hosting.

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