Tips On Structuring And Closing Deals With Transparency- Best In 2022

Tips On Structuring And Closing Deals

One of the most important aspects of any business transaction is trust. When two parties enter into a deal, they need to be able to trust that the other party will uphold their end of the bargain. This is especially true in sales, where deals can hinge on a single interaction. To build trust, it’s important to be transparent with your clients and customers. Here, we’ll discuss tips on structuring and closing deals with transparency.

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1. Be Upfront About Your Intentions

When structuring a deal, it’s important to be clear about your goals and objectives. If you’re not transparent about what you want, the other party may feel like you’re trying to take advantage of them. Be upfront about what you’re hoping to achieve, and be open to negotiation.

At the same time, don’t give away too much information. You don’t want to enter a situation where the other party has all the power. You can create a more level playing field by being transparent about your intentions.

2. Communicate Openly and Frequently

Once a deal is in place, it’s important to keep the lines of communication open. This means being responsive to questions and concerns and keeping the other party updated on any changes or developments. If there are any problems, address them head-on. The last thing you want is for the other party to feel like you’re trying to hide something from them.

Frequent communication will help build trust and ensure that both parties are on the same page. It can also help prevent misunderstandings or miscommunication down the line.

3. Follow Through on Your Commitments

If you say you will do something, make sure you follow through. This is one of the most important aspects of any business deal, especially in sales. Your clients and customers need to be able to trust that you’ll deliver on your promises.

If you don’t follow through, it will reflect poorly on you and your business. The other party will be less likely to do business with you in the future and may also spread negative word-of-mouth about your company.

4. Be Prepared to Walk Away

There will be times when a deal just isn’t going to work out, no matter how hard you try. If this happens, don’t be afraid to walk away. Trying to force a bad deal will only hurt your business in the long run.

It’s important to know your bottom line and stick to it. If the other party isn’t willing to meet your terms, it’s probably not worth doing business with them. Being prepared to walk away shows that you’re not desperate and serious about getting what you want.

5. Use Special Purpose Entity (SPE)

The use of SPE is a great way to show transparency regarding deals and transactions. SPE is a legal entity that is created for a specific purpose. This purpose could be anything from holding assets to managing risk.

An SPE can help create transparency because all parties know exactly what the entity is being used for. This can help a syndicator build trust and confidence, especially if the SPE is used to manage risk.

An SPE also has the added benefit of being a separate legal entity. If anything goes wrong, the SPE will be held liable instead of the individuals involved. Using an SPE can help create transparency and build trust between parties. It can also help protect individuals from liability if something goes wrong.

6. Get Everything in Writing

Whenever possible, it’s important to get everything in writing. This includes the terms of the deal and any commitments or promises made by either party. You can avoid misunderstandings and miscommunication down the line by getting everything in writing.

Having a written record also makes it easier to enforce the terms of the deal if there are any problems. You can refer to the contract and take appropriate action if something goes wrong. Writing down everything is one of the best ways to create transparency and protect both parties involved in a deal.


Transparency is an important part of any business deal. You can build trust and confidence by being open and honest with the other party. You can also avoid misunderstandings or miscommunication down the line. Following these tips can create transparency and close deals more effectively.

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