How To Earn Money From Youtube In India? Best Ways In 2022

Earn Money From Youtube

Are you looking for ways to earn money from YouTube in India? Then keep reading this blog. When you become a YouTuber there are a lot of new things that happen like the fame and money coming in. Most international YouTubers already know how to make money through YouTube and how to make the best out of it. But the local Indian YouTubers don’t know about the best ways to earn money from YouTube in India.

So in this blog, we have discussed the best ways to earn money from YouTube in India. Whether you are a small YouTuber, a big YouTuber, or just a person who wants to know about this stuff, these ways can be beneficial for all of you. So let’s start!

Best Ways to Earn Money from YouTube in India

There are many amazing ways to make money through YouTube. So here are the top 6 ways to make money from YouTube in India:

1. Google AdSense

The first and the most typical way is to use Google AdSense. You can put ads on your channel and make money. This can happen through YouTube’s monetization program. It is called the YouTube Partner Program. This is the first and the most basic way of earning money from YouTube. But before you monetize your YouTube channel there are a lot of things that are needed to be taken care of. Like the watch time and subscribers. So to start, you have to get these:

  • At least 1000 Subscribers on your YouTube channel.
  • At least 4000 hours of watch time.

Once you have reached the above-given mark, you can apply for the YouTube Partner Program and then start earning money through ads.

2. Paid Partnerships

The second way to make money through YouTube in India is through paid partnerships. You don’t have to do anything for this purpose. When you have enough subscribers you will start getting offers from different brands and companies to promote their services or products.

This is considered the best way as some YouTubers make more money from paid partnerships than YouTube Partner Program. You can hire a manager or agency to handle all of these matters as they are the pros at this.

3. Make a Patreon Account

The next method is to make a Patreon account. If you don’t know what that is, with the help of Patreon a creator can receive money from their fans. Your fans or followers can pay you for your content if they like. They pay you as low as 1 dollar.

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It is not very popular but we think that this can skyrocket your income if you have a loyal audience. You can ask your followers at the end of your video to support you on your Patreon. You can put your Patreon link in your video’s description. Many YouTubers are already making money through this technique and you should also try it as it has great potential.

4. Start Membership Program

If you didn’t know it before, you can turn on a membership option on your channel. The people who use YouTube Premium can become a member of your channel and pay you YouTube monthly. You will also get money from these users other than from the YouTube Partner Program. It is another excellent way of earning money from YouTube in India.

5. Affiliate Marketing

The next way to make money from YouTube is affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing, you can join a program and become a partner of any product store like Amazon. You will be provided with an affiliate link. You have to share that link with your followers and once a person has clicked your link and purchased any item from there. You will receive some percentage from the product sold.

Affiliate Marketing is no joke and people have made millions of dollars from it. Many big YouTubers use this way to earn money from YouTube. The most famous affiliate marketing program is Amazon’s Affiliate Program. You can create a partner account on amazon and generate your link. You should try this method out as it can make you a lot of money.

6. Start Your Merchandise

The last and most famous way of making money from YouTube is to sell your merchandise. From a YouTuber with 100k subscribers to a YouTuber with 150M subscribers. All of them are selling their merchandise and making millions. You can also sell different products or services as a YouTuber. There is no limit on your creativity and you can sell whatever you want. We suggest that you sell unique products or merchandise so that more and more people buy them. It is a nice way to earn money from YouTube in India.


There are many ways to earn money from YouTube in India but many people are unaware of them. So in this blog, we have discussed the 6 best ways to make money from YouTube. You can apply these ways to earn a lot of money and grow your income. In the end, I hope that this blog was helpful to you. If you know any other way of making money from YouTube then do share with us in the comments!

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